Archive for August 18, 2008

By Grace the Holy Spirit Guides US

I have been thinking about the Holy Spirit a lot these days. Primarily because of the tremendous Grace that Jesus gave us when he died on Calvary for our sins and we accepted him as our Savior through forgiveness of our sins, inequities and transgressions. Jesus , along with the Holy Spirit comes to live inside us when we are born again.

That is an awesome gift that allows us tremendous confidence that the Holy Spirit guides us, shapes us and protect us along the the narrow road of life. It is comforting to know that the inner voice that tell us things from time to time is the Holy Spirit directing us and keeping us safe and out of harms way.  The Lord is a lamp onto my feet and a light unto my path.  He guides us and send the comforting power of the Holy Spirit to navagate our path through the rocky roads of life.

We are blessed and cared for by the Lord.  The next time you hear that inner voice that tells you to  wait unti the storms passes by , know that is is the Holy Sprit, protecting you and keeing you from harms way. When we have the Holy Spirit with us, no one can be against us. We are blessed and cared for by grace in the Name of Jesus It is so, Amen.